Folies baroques - Plozevet - Pays bigouden - Bigoudenjoy

Concert Folies Baroques - Contre ténor Mathieu SALAMA

Concert ,  Classical music ,  Cultural ,  Music in Plozévet
15 Full-fare
  • The castrati, with their distinctive tessitura, left their mark on the 17th and 18th centuries with the purity and limpidity of their vocal timbre.
    A musical journey through time, a countertenor accompanied by talented musicians.

    - Baroque violin: Sara CHENAL
    - Viola da gamba: Bruno ANGÉ
    - Theorbo: Olivier PELMOINE
    - Harp: Astor PELMOINE

    Tickets on sale.
    Bookings cadenza 06 33 17 71 64
  • Rates
  • Base rate
    15 €
  • On August 1, 2025 at 8:30 PM